Contextual Bible Study@Chè-lâm Presbyterian Church in Taipei
觀看—判斷—行動 (See-Judge-Act)
聖詩:Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
出埃及記 第36章 [現代中文譯本修訂版]
36:1 「比撒列、亞何利亞伯,和其他靈巧的技工,就是所有蒙上主賜予技能才智、知道怎樣營造聖幕的人,都要按照上主的吩咐進行各項工程。」
36:2 摩西召集比撒列、亞何利亞伯,和所有蒙上主賜予才能、願意協助工作的人,吩咐他們動工。
36:3 他們從摩西領去了以色列人民為建造聖幕所奉獻的一切禮物。可是,每天早上,人民繼續帶來禮物,交給摩西。
36:4 因此,那些負責建造的技工停止他們的工作,
36:5 去見摩西,說:「人民所獻的禮物已經超過了上主吩咐建造的工程所需要的。」
36:6 於是摩西傳令全營,叫人民不必再為聖幕奉獻。
36:7 因為所收到的禮物已夠完成全部工程而有餘。
建造上主的聖幕 ( 出 26:1-37 )
36:8 在工作人員中那些靈巧的技工負責建造上主的聖幕。他們用十幅幔子做聖幕;這幔子是用麻紗和藍色、紫色、深紅色的毛線織成,並且繡上基路伯的圖案,
36:9 每一幅大小相同,長十二公尺,寬兩公尺。
36:10 他們把五幅縫在一起,成為一組,另五幅也是一樣。
36:11 他們在每一組幔子末幅的邊緣縫上藍色的紐環。
36:12 他們把五十個紐環縫在第一組的首幅,另五十個紐環縫在第二組的末幅。
36:13 他們又做了五十個金鉤子,把兩組幔子連接在一起。
36:14 他們又用山羊毛織十一幅幔子來做聖幕的幕頂。
36:15 每一幅大小相同:長十三公尺,寬兩公尺。
36:16 他們把五幅縫在一起,成為一組,其他六幅另成一組。
36:17 他們在第一組幔子末幅的邊緣縫上五十個紐環,另一組邊緣也縫上五十個紐環。
36:18 他們做了五十個銅鉤子,把兩組幔子連接起來,成為一整塊幕頂。
36:19 他們另外又用染紅的羊皮和另一種精美的皮料製成兩個幕頂,做聖幕的外層頂蓋。
36:20 他們用金合歡木做豎立聖幕的骨架。
36:21 每一骨架高四公尺、寬六十六公分,
36:22 各有兩個榫頭,用來連接骨架。所有的骨架都有這種榫頭。
36:23 他們在聖幕的南面立二十個骨架,
36:24 架底有四十個銀座,每一骨架由兩個銀座支持著。
36:25 他們又在幕的北面立二十個骨架
36:26 和四十個銀座,每一骨架底下有兩個銀座。
36:27 在幕的後部,就是幕的西面,他們立六個骨架;
36:28 拐角有兩個骨架。
36:29 兩個骨架下端相連接,一直連到上端,成為一環。形成兩拐角的兩個骨架都是一樣做法。
36:30 所以一共有八個骨架和十六個銀座,每一骨架底下各有兩個銀座。
36:31 他們又用金合歡木做了十五根橫木;聖幕一邊的骨架有五根橫木,
36:32 另一邊五根;幕的後部,就是幕的西面,也有五根。
36:33 中間的橫木安在骨架腰間,從聖幕的一頭通到另一頭。
36:34 他們用金包裹骨架,並裝上金環,好讓橫木穿過;橫木也用金包裹。
36:35 他們用麻紗和藍色、紫色、深紅色的毛線織成一幅帳幔,上面繡著基路伯圖案。
36:36 他們又用金合歡木做了四根掛帳幔的柱子,柱子用金包裹;柱子上有金鉤子。他們又為柱子造了四個銀座。
36:37 他們又用麻紗和藍色、紫色、深紅色的毛線為聖幕進口做一幅門簾,上面有刺繡。
36:38 他們為這幅門簾造了五根柱子,柱子上有鉤子。柱頂和柱子上的桿子都用金包裹,又為柱子造了五個銅座。
1. 夠了(6): 不必再為聖幕奉獻
2. 所有(1): 所有…的人,都要按照上主的吩咐。
3. 不會也ok 只要有順服願做的心(2): 所有…願意協助工作的人。
4. 知道(以上帝為)標準(5): 超過了上主吩咐。
5. 太多就不靈巧(得做更多的工)。
6. 聖經的經文為何要鉅細靡遺? 是要有神聖性、材質、要做紀錄,也似乎是為了讓後來的人,可以再製作。
7. 榫頭(接頭)(22)
8. 尺寸(標準)
9. 律法也是一種標準
10. 表達某一種規矩
11. 不會因為收到更多禮物,而加大製作的尺寸
12. 聖幕的形狀是什麼樣呢? 有沒有人按比例製作模型、或者複製出來?
13. 用意是象徵性的嗎?若將13公尺改為什14公尺,就不神聖了嗎?
14. 按照SOP
15. 上帝是SOP的創始者
16. 抬、用火…等都有規矩(神聖性的要求,例如: 約櫃)
17. 最近日本首里城燒了
18. 尺寸、脈絡、珍貴、細節、神聖、完整性、沒有釘子的工藝
19. 顏色的規定
20. 刺繡
21. 為了現代人的需要-讓人了解看見上帝的心意為何。
1. 為了教育而重建,會有違反神聖嗎?
2. 材料已經不容易取得
3. 在曠野有共同的記憶(有上帝的同在)。
4. 人民沒有安全感(需要寄託)。
5. 與自由以何關聯?
6. 軌道的range有多大?
7. 太大就失去的自由?
8. 律法主義-窄化對上帝的了解。
9. 剛開始只是疊石頭(築壇)。
10. 希伯來書8:10-我要把律法放在他們心上…
11. 耶穌來-總結律法
12. 進入了新的時代~從律法解放出來。
13. 無知: 悖逆。經過教育而成長
14. 人民一定要從反抗爭扎中,得到衝撞,才成為生命中珍貴的一部分: 從失去中得到。
15. 今天的經文是在被擄之後所寫(歷經南北國過而沉澱),明白了上帝所要的不多。
16. 猶太人想像要為上帝蓋上聖殿,得要金碧輝煌、美輪美奐…直到耶穌再來,明白會幕(聖殿)是為人而建。
1. 從害怕轉為平安: 聖殿是人民甘心樂意的奉獻vs 金牛是人民出於害怕而鑄造
2. 為神做工,終究不是重擔,看似付出,卻是得到。
3. 教會是否應該將每年所得奉獻歸零vs合理化的保留: 看積聚為祝福?(因為你的財寶在哪裡,你的心也在哪裡。馬太福音6:21)
4. 每次查經都會超過時間,卻在經歷神的神聖之後,心靈有滿足的喜樂,而不虛此行。
1. 領袖要: 活出所信,成為榜樣。
Exodus 36 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
1 Bezalel and Oholiab and every skillful one to whom the Lord has given skill and understanding to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.
2 Moses then called Bezalel and Oholiab and every skillful one to whom the Lord had given skill, everyone whose heart was stirred to come to do the work; 3 and they received from Moses all the freewill offerings that the Israelites had brought for doing the work on the sanctuary. They still kept bringing him freewill offerings every morning, 4 so that all the artisans who were doing every sort of task on the sanctuary came, each from the task being performed, 5 and said to Moses, “The people are bringing much more than enough for doing the work that the Lord has commanded us to do.” 6 So Moses gave command, and word was proclaimed throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” So the people were restrained from bringing; 7 for what they had already brought was more than enough to do all the work.
Construction of the Tabernacle
8 All those with skill among the workers made the tabernacle with ten curtains; they were made of fine twisted linen, and blue, purple, and crimson yarns, with cherubim skillfully worked into them. 9 The length of each curtain was twenty-eight cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits; all the curtains were of the same size.
10 He joined five curtains to one another, and the other five curtains he joined to one another. 11 He made loops of blue on the edge of the outermost curtain of the first set; likewise he made them on the edge of the outermost curtain of the second set; 12 he made fifty loops on the one curtain, and he made fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that was in the second set; the loops were opposite one another. 13 And he made fifty clasps of gold, and joined the curtains one to the other with clasps; so the tabernacle was one whole.
14 He also made curtains of goats’ hair for a tent over the tabernacle; he made eleven curtains. 15 The length of each curtain was thirty cubits, and the width of each curtain four cubits; the eleven curtains were of the same size. 16 He joined five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves. 17 He made fifty loops on the edge of the outermost curtain of the one set, and fifty loops on the edge of the other connecting curtain. 18 He made fifty clasps of bronze to join the tent together so that it might be one whole. 19 And he made for the tent a covering of tanned rams’ skins and an outer covering of fine leather.[a]
20 Then he made the upright frames for the tabernacle of acacia wood. 21 Ten cubits was the length of a frame, and a cubit and a half the width of each frame. 22 Each frame had two pegs for fitting together; he did this for all the frames of the tabernacle. 23 The frames for the tabernacle he made in this way: twenty frames for the south side; 24 and he made forty bases of silver under the twenty frames, two bases under the first frame for its two pegs, and two bases under the next frame for its two pegs. 25 For the second side of the tabernacle, on the north side, he made twenty frames 26 and their forty bases of silver, two bases under the first frame and two bases under the next frame. 27 For the rear of the tabernacle westward he made six frames. 28 He made two frames for corners of the tabernacle in the rear. 29 They were separate beneath, but joined at the top, at the first ring; he made two of them in this way, for the two corners. 30 There were eight frames with their bases of silver: sixteen bases, under every frame two bases.
31 He made bars of acacia wood, five for the frames of the one side of the tabernacle, 32 and five bars for the frames of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the frames of the tabernacle at the rear westward. 33 He made the middle bar to pass through from end to end halfway up the frames. 34 And he overlaid the frames with gold, and made rings of gold for them to hold the bars, and overlaid the bars with gold.
35 He made the curtain of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and fine twisted linen, with cherubim skillfully worked into it. 36 For it he made four pillars of acacia, and overlaid them with gold; their hooks were of gold, and he cast for them four bases of silver. 37 He also made a screen for the entrance to the tent, of blue, purple, and crimson yarns, and fine twisted linen, embroidered with needlework; 38 and its five pillars with their hooks. He overlaid their capitals and their bases with gold, but their five bases were of bronze.
Critical discussion:
1. What have you observed in Exodus 36?
In the passage there were too many freewill offerings, so much so that Moses had to tell them to stop giving. The Lord gives skills, talents, and gifts to the people in order to accomplish the work – for example, the skills are not limited to construction or carpentry, but hearts were stirred and the weaving of thread to cloth/curtain. Everyone is gifted but with different skills.The steps given were very detailed, with repeating sections, for example: twisted lines/colors. In the freewill giving, the people did not consider possessions their own. God made tabernacle through wise and skilled persons, at verse 10, “he” is used in the NRSV, but the implication is not that an individual person accomplished the work but a collective group.
2. What might the tabernacle symbolize in the liberation journey of the Israelite?
The Israelites can know their identity in the tabernacle. In Egypt, when God called the Hebrews out, he did not just tell them to leave, but specifically said “that leave they may go worship me”. The freewill offerings are symbols of freedom. When they had worked in Egypt, the building of palaces and sacred temples/places of worship were done through enslavement, but now the building of the tabernacle the place of worship for the YHWH God was done from a place of freedom. The tabernacle was also amongst the people, at their center—so that when they are with God they are also free. The tabernacle represents God’s house, where God meets us, which is also our home, a tent, just like that the Hebrew people are living in. Once upon a time, they could only worship YHWH in their hearts (in Egypt) but now they have a place they can worship too, a representation of home.
3. From making molten calf to building tabernacle, what internal changes (psychological, mindset, spiritual...) might have happened within the Israelite?
Before: they made an image, an idol. After: no idol, a tabernacle with a seeming invisible God that gives them freedom to imagine. Making the calf is simple-one sculpture, but the tabernacle is very detailed and complex with layers, upon layers, and a progressive course of faith representing coming closer and closer to the center, closeness with God. The tabernacle also represents a sense of ownership, participation through collectively working on the tabernacle, and an opportunity to celebrate their work and contributions. When they look at the tabernacle they can see their happy work and be reminded of God.
The movement of the tabernacle, as a tent, is free-er, the cloth, the moving flaps or walls are freer flowing than a solid gold calf. God is everywhere not just where the idol is. The tent/tabernacle, wandering with the people. God is with you, in a tent, and while the speed of wandering in the desert is slow, it represents a patience. God’s house is the same as my house—emmanuel god with us.
4. As a church leader, how do you minister to your congregation so that they may be willing to participate in building up a sacred space?
We can by showing them the answers we have from questions 1-3. It is important for us to make sure congregations have ownership in the church community and allow people to serve with their gifts. Everyone has a role to play, and the responsibilities should not all fall upon a pastor or leader. Everyone brings what is needed to make this home, and they themselves are needed as well. By including more people in the process, it will take longer, so we have to be patient and prepared for things to take longer and create space for offerings and serving, space and time for people to be stirred by God. Individual shave many different precious talents and things to contribute, and we must help them to find their gifts.
We must also encourage the people who do feel that their service or gifts are good enough to let them know that they are needed, good, and helpful. We must also acknowledge the work that is done quietly, not only that on the stage that is visible. Cooking and cleaning are necessary jobs but are often done without any acknowledgement to its necessity. Church members will also observe the example set by leadership. If a senior leader is ordering around younger leaders and does not work with them in a collaborative way, the congregation will notice and will fall into this way of working as well. Particularly in Korea, the issue of hierarchy can get in the way of teamwork, older pastors must set an example through their attitude.